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House of English Silent Letters and Rules

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So Why?
It is because these English words contain some silent letters, which are not pronounced.

e.g, island has S silent when pronounced, and becomes /ˈaɪlənd/.

In listen, we have T unpronounced, to become /ˈlɪsn/

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How to Memorize?
Only some words with silent letters that we have to memorize. Remaining ones will follow some rules easily to remember.

e.g K is not pronounced when it comes before N at the beginning of a word.
Formula: kn-/n-/
e.g: knock → /nɒk/

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  • Install audacity into your system.
  • Open audacity, set Recording Device to Stereo Mix ([Audio Device name])
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  • Come back to the eSilence > Text To Speech
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Valentine's Day


Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th every year. However, it is celebrated in different ways by different people. For single people - those people without a boyfriend, girlfriend or partner - Valentine's day is often seen as an opportunity to ask or invite someone special for a date. It could be a special girl or boy, woman or man, that you have been interested in. They sometimes approach the other person and ask; 'Will you be my Valentine?' or may even just send a card saying the same thing.

Let's discover phrases about love and Valentine's Day.

to fall in love
To fall in love means a whole lot more than to love. To love someone is great, but to fall in love means you just can’t live without someone! Remember – don’t tell your girlfriend/boyfriend “I’m falling in love with you” too soon. It’s better to wait until you really know.
to fall in love
To fall in love means a whole lot more than to love. To love someone is great, but to fall in love means you just can’t live without someone! Remember – don’t tell your girlfriend/boyfriend “I’m falling in love with you” too soon. It’s better to wait until you really know.
Love at first sight
We’ve all seen this in romantic movies, it might even have happened to some of us. Love at first sight when two people fall in love immediately, the first time they see each other. If you believe this, then you’re a true romantic!
I love you
A phrase used to express to another person the maximum level of love you feel for them
Love makes the world go round
Some people think that money makes the world go round. But for true romantics, love is the most important thing in life. You can say “He/she makes my world go round” if you want to tell people that you really love your partner.
Your better half
This refers to your partner. Some people say ‘my other half’ – but saying ‘my better half’ shows a bit more respect to your partner and implies that he or she makes you a better person.
The light of my life
The light of your life is the person who makes you smile, and feel great! You could also say to your loved one, “Darling, you light up my life”.
She drives me crazy!
Love makes people do strange things! If somebody drives you crazy, they make your heart beat faster and you find them really attractive. For example, “You’re crazy about Amy, why don’t you ask her out?”
Perfect match
Have you found your perfect match? Your perfect match is exactly that – the person that matches you perfectly in every way. We also use the expression ‘soul mate’. Sometimes people use the expression ‘the one’ to say that a person is the one perfect partner in the world for them.
Seeing, Dating, Going steady
When you first start going out with someone, you don’t want to seem too serious. You might say “I’m seeing someone”. After a while, you begin ‘dating’ them. Finally, you are ‘going steady’ with them. This means that you are officially boyfriend and girlfriend.
You are too good to be true!
You say this to someone if you think they are so amazing they can’t be real. Sometimes, being in love is like a dream and you could also say “You are like a dream come true”.
Significant other
This is a modern way to refer to your partner or lover in the third person. So you could say to someone “Can I bring my significant other to the party?”, but you wouldn’t way to your partner “Honey, you are my significant other.”
It was love at first sight
Most relationships develop and get stronger over time, but sometimes all it takes is one moment to know you’re in love. When it’s love at first sight, the attraction is instant. Maybe it’s because of the way they look, or the way they talk and smile. Whatever it is, you know you’re hooked and you’ll do everything to get to know this person more. This may be an old-fashioned way to express your love, but it still works!
You’re my soul mate
In a world where there are 7 billion people, what are the chances of finding someone who compliments your personality, understands your thoughts, and enjoys the same things as you? In English, a “soul mate” refers to a person who is your perfect match in every way possible. There can be a religious element to this statement, but not always. It can just be that you think they’re pretty much flawless.
Let’s go steady
Asking someone to go steady with you means you’re over the getting-to-know-you stage and are now ready to be in an exclusive relationship with them. It’s another way of saying that after spending some time with them and getting to know more about them, you are now ready to commit to the relationship and go beyond just sending each other funny emojis. Some might say this phrase is slightly dated (ok it’s true, my grandma may have used this as well), but I personally still find it really endearing and would say it.
You rock my world
This is a fun and playful way to tell someone how much joy and excitement they bring to your life. Rocking someone’s world means you turned their otherwise boring and routine life into a more exciting and colourful one. If your loved one helped you regain purpose and a new zest for life, this is the perfect phrase to let them know exactly how much they’ve made an impact on your life.
You make the world go round
When a person becomes an essential part of your daily life, and your decisions and considerations include them, they start to “make your world go round”. When you tell someone that, it means having them in your life has had a positive and meaningful impact. It could also mean that they’re the reason why you wake up with a smile in the morning, why you are able to get through your struggles, and why you can sleep peacefully at night. When you feel that they are the one, you can say this phrase to let them know how truly important they are.
I’m falling in love with you
Nothing is more romantic than realising that you have strong feelings for someone and that you’re ready to let them know. Exposing your real emotions can be scary – what if they don’t feel the same? That’s why saying this phrase for the first time is a big move. If your partner loves you as much as you love them, hearing these words will bring both of you to a new place in your relationship.
A match made in heaven
A sincerely kind and generous person.
Eat your heart out
Making someone feel jealous by looking very attractive in front of them.
Find it in your heart
Appealing to someone's emotions to ask them to do something.
Follow your heart
To act based on how you feel.
From the bottom of my heart
Genuinely, and in all honesty.
Having a heart-to-heart
Having a very honest conversation
I love you with all my heart
My love for you is total and complete.
In a heartbeat
Immediately, very quickly.
Tugging at your heartstrings
Making you feel guilty or sympathetic.
Wear your heart on your sleeve
Openly show your emotions with no qualms.
Blind date
Going on a date with someone that you've never met before.
Carrying a torch
Still having romantic feelings for someone you're no longer with
Hit a rough patch
Face a tough time in a relationship, but one that won't last forever.
Joined at the hip
They like being together all the time.
Kiss and make up
Become friendly again after an argument.
Main squeeze
The only person you're dating.
A relationship with a large age difference between the partners.
Mr. Right, Ms. Right
The ideal person for a relationship.
Old flame
Someone you used to be in a relationship with.
Say those three little words
You need to hear someone say, "I love you."
The love of my life
The person I have loved most.
Their relationship is on the rocks
They might break up.
They might break up.
They're in an exclusive relationship.
We hit it off
We connected well after meeting and are starting a relationship.
A shotgun wedding
A wedding that was arranged quickly because the woman is pregnant.
Asking for someone's hand
Proposing marriage to someone.
Ball and chain
A joking term for someone you're married to.
He popped the question!
He proposed marriage!
Get down on one knee
Asking someone to marry you.
Getting cold feet
Changing your mind about marrying someone before the wedding day.
Leave at the altar
Break up with someone before the wedding.
Let's get hitched!
Let's get married!
Making an honest one out of me
Marrying me.
My better half
The person I'm married to.
Ready to tie the knot
Ready to get married.
Saying "I do"
Getting married.
The big day
The wedding day.
To settle down with someone
to commit and/or get married to someone.
To take the plunge
Committing to someone in marriage (or making another commitment to something).
Walk down the aisle
To get married.
A face only a mother could love
Someone who isn't very attractive.
A labor of love
A difficult task that one performed out of love.
For the love of God (or something else)
Consider what I'm saying (usually said in frustration).
For the love of the game
To play or do something just because you love it.
Getting dumped
A romantic partner ends the relationship before you're ready.
He'll love you and leave you
He'll only spend a short time with you before ending the relationship.
Providing endless compliments and praise to someone to the point of discomfort.
Someone up there loves me
God is looking out for me ( I'm so lucky)
There's no love lost between us
We don't like each other.
Tough love
Showing someone you care by drawing strict limits with them.
Unrequited love
Love that isn't shared by another person.
You love the sound of your own voice
You talk a lot and don't listen to others.
Silence Checker
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Say It - Text To Speech
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Valentine's Day