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House of English Silent Letters and Rules

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How Do You Pronounce?

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Here is the answer

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So Why?
It is because these English words contain some silent letters, which are not pronounced.

e.g, island has S silent when pronounced, and becomes /ˈaɪlənd/.

In listen, we have T unpronounced, to become /ˈlɪsn/

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How to Memorize?
Only some words with silent letters that we have to memorize. Remaining ones will follow some rules easily to remember.

e.g K is not pronounced when it comes before N at the beginning of a word.
Formula: kn-/n-/
e.g: knock → /nɒk/

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How to speak text to file on PC?
  • Download audacity from its offical page.
  • Install audacity into your system.
  • Open audacity, set Recording Device to Stereo Mix ([Audio Device name])
  • This will only record audio from playback, not from microphone.
  • Remember not to play any other audio/music except the one you would like to record.
  • Come back to the eSilence > Text To Speech
  • Put your text to speak inside Text to speak box
  • Once ready, return to audacity and click the Record RED button
  • Come back to the eSilence > Text To Speech, and tap Speak button.
  • Tap Stop button if you need to stop the speech.
  • Remember not to play any other audio/music except the one you would like to record.

With audacity, you can do whatever you like with the recorded speech. For more information about using audacity, please visit Audacity Manual.

Watch the guidance video.
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Best support for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozila Firefox

The most common English misspellings


Did you find the answer by yourself for the abnormal in the thumbnail images? It is the comon. It lacks of one m. The correct one is common.

Below is the list of some common words that we usually misspelling them with some letters lacked or redundant.

Correct spelling Spelling advice Common misspelling
accommodate, accommodation two cs, two ms accomodate, accomodation
achieve i before e acheive
across one c accross
aggressive, aggression two gs agressive, agression
apparently -ent not -ant apparantly
appearance ends with -ance appearence
argument no e after the u arguement
assassination two double s’s assasination
basically ends with -ally basicly
beginning double n before the -ing begining
believe i before e beleive, belive
bizarre one z, double -r bizzare
business begins with busi- buisness
calendar -ar not -er calender
Caribbean one r, two bs Carribean
cemetery ends with -ery cemetary
chauffeur ends with -eur chauffer
colleague -ea- in the middle collegue
coming one m comming
committee double m, double t, double e commitee
completely ends with -ely completly
conscious -sc- in the middle concious
curiosity -os- in the middle curiousity
definitely -ite- not –ate- definately
dilemma -mm- not -mn- dilemna
disappear one s, two ps dissapear
disappoint one s, two ps dissapoint
ecstasy ends with –sy ecstacy
embarrass two rs, two s’s embarass
environment n before the m enviroment
existence ends with -ence existance
Fahrenheit begins with Fahr- Farenheit
familiar ends with -iar familar
finally two ls finaly
fluorescent begins with fluor- florescent
foreign e before i foriegn
foreseeable begins with fore- forseeable
forty begins with for- fourty
forward begins with for- foward
friend i before e freind
further begins with fur- futher
gist begins with g- jist
glamorous -mor- in the middle glamourous
government n before the m goverment
guard begins with gua- gaurd
happened ends with -ened happend
harass, harassment one r, two s’s harrass, harrassment
honorary -nor- in the middle honourary
humorous -mor- in the middle humourous
idiosyncrasy ends with -asy idiosyncracy
immediately ends with -ely immediatly
incidentally ends with -ally incidently
independent ends with -ent independant
interrupt two rs interupt
irresistible ends with -ible irresistable
knowledge remember the d knowlege
liaise, liaison remember the second i: liais- liase, liason
lollipop i in the middle lollypop
millennium, millennia double l, double n millenium, millenia
Neanderthal ends with -thal Neandertal
necessary one c, two s’s neccessary
noticeable remember the middle e noticable
occasion two cs, one s ocassion, occassion
occurred, occurring two cs, two rs occured, occuring
occurrence two cs, two rs, -ence not -ance occurance, occurence
pavilion one l pavillion
persistent ends with -ent persistant
pharaoh ends with -aoh pharoah
piece i before e peice
politician ends with -cian politican
Portuguese ends with –guese Portugese
possession two s’s in the middle and two at the end posession
preferred, preferring two rs prefered, prefering
propaganda begins with propa- propoganda
publicly ends with –cly publically
really two ls realy
receive e before i recieve
referred, referring two rs refered, refering
religious ends with -gious religous
remember -mem- in the middle rember, remeber
resistance ends with -ance resistence
sense ends with -se sence
separate -par- in the middle seperate
siege i before e seige
successful two cs, two s’s succesful
supersede ends with -sede supercede
surprise begins with sur- suprise
tattoo two ts, two os tatoo
tendency ends with -ency tendancy
therefore ends with -fore therefor
threshold one h in the middle threshhold
tomorrow one m, two rs tommorow, tommorrow
tongue begins with ton-, ends with -gue tounge
truly no e truely
unforeseen remember the e after the r unforseen
unfortunately ends with -ely unfortunatly
until one l at the end untill
weird e before i wierd
wherever one e in the middle whereever
which begins with wh- wich
Silence Checker
Quickly check words, phrases or even sentences for words having silent letters. Working well with all most important and commonly-used words. Read aloud the whole text with predefined TTS voices.
Say It - Text To Speech
Convert text to speech (TTS) using Web Speech API. Depends on the browsers, user languages and voices installed in the device. Best support for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozila Firefox.
Quickly check all rules from A-Z?
eSilence is ready to provide all possible English silent letters and rules. Consit of rule details, examples, pronunciation, meaning (in English and Vietnamese).
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Go through common words?
Continuously update the most commonly used wordlist having silent letters. Consit of rule details, examples, pronunciation, meaning (in English and Vietnamese).
Want to learn more?
Explore more with our official Android app from our Store with more contents to go. Translation to many languages using Google Translate API. Learn and practice common words with mini games to help you memorize.
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The most common English misspellings